A new exciting training in Valladolid!

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Coinciding with the end of March, Fundaciòn Intras received the partners of the NOI project in Valladolid to continue working on methodologies that make narrative a valid tool for measuring impact and social change.

The face-to-face meeting took place in the Santa Lucía #MeetingPoint, the first headquarters of the INTRAS Foundation. It is where nowadays the Departments of Community Support and Personal Assistance are centralized and it serves as a meeting point between the Day Center, users, families and professional support.

The three days of scheduled training have been used to share and test the toolkit that will serve as the basis for the development of a video guide, whose objective is to support people and organizations in the use of digital stories to create and measure the impact on different contexts.

Teamwork has allowed us to reach collaborative dialogues, evaluation and improvement of activities, broaden points of view to design practical and effective resources in the use of digital stories as an instrument of change and impact measurement device.
During all the sessions we have participated nine people from the United Kingdom (People’s Voice Media), Germany (CRN), Italy (COSV – Coordinamento delle Organizzazioni per il Servizio Volontario), Poland (SNDE) and Spain (INTRAS Foundation).

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