Narratives of Impact team meets in a Living Lab

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  • 2 mins read

A few months passed since the last meeting in Valladolid and partners were hosted by CRN in Berlin.

A team of twelve people from the United Kingdom (People’s Voice Media), Germany (CRN), Italy (COSV – Coordinamento delle Organizzazioni per il Servizio Volontario), Poland (SNDE) and Spain (INTRAS Foundation) got together in the Atelier Talk – Kiryakova, a cosy design studio in Wedding, Berlin.

The meeting took the form of a Living Lab – a very fluid concept of a space for co-creation where participants combined the learning from the previous training in Spain, stakeholder engagement feedback, and the partner’s expertise to further develop the toolkit and its content.

Another important part was to continue the development of the video guides that will accompany the toolkit. That’s how Day 2 turned into a practical session in which partners continued to work on their pre-production with guidance, practical tips and peer feedback from partners.

The most exciting of all was practising filming the video guides. A toolkit will be produced to support civic educators to work with citizens, community groups and social purpose organisations to use storytelling to create positive social change, widen engagement in local and grassroots democracy and as a qualitative data tool for change measurement. Five short video guides will be produced to support the toolkit.



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